1. Download the Web Part
  2. Unzip the file

1# Download the web part

Ready to get started? First, you need to download your web part.

  1. Access your account at bindtuning.com;
  2. Go to My Downloads, switch to the web parts tab.
  3. Mouse hover the web part and click View webpart to open the web part details page;


  1. Last but not least, click on Download.

2# Unzip the file

This web part is provided in 2 different packaging options, both following Microsoft Add-In guidelines:

  • APP, for tenants with a configured App Store
  • WSP, no-code sandbox solution, recommended whenever sandbox is available
  • SPFx, for modern pages

After unzipping your web part package, you will find four folders, a app folder, a Compatibility List folder, a wsp for Sandbox environments, and a SPFx folder (available for BindTuning web parts with v2.6.3.18 or higher). You will be using one of these folders to install the web part.

But first, let's check out what is inside the package.

app 📁

└── BTAlerts_x.x.x.x.app


└── BTAlertsV2 List.wsp

wsp 📁

└── BTAlerts_x.x.x.x.wsp

── README.md

(available for v2.6.3.18 or higher)

SPFx 📁

└── BTLinks_x.x.x.x.sppkg

Now let's get your website rocking! First thing on the list: Installation.

On the index menu choose the Installation process you want to follow: Installation with Sandbox (using .wsp), Installation with Apps or Installation for SPFx.